
Dr Jarol Boan is a Keynote Speaker, Cultural Diversity Advocate & Best-Selling Author who shares her story to address inequities in the Canadian health care system.
She has been featured on several television and radio programs for her insights on preventable chronic diseases and institutional racism. Through her personal story of learning about Indigenous perspectives on wellness and healing in Saskatchewan, she weaves in historical data on the devastating effects of colonialism. Her story about personal enlightenment as a settler physician is told in a humble, culturally sensitive manner. With her exceptional ability to captivate audiences through her poignant stories and motivational messages, Dr Boan has earned recognition throughout North America. She has over twenty-five years of experience as a speaker in the health care field with a focus on advocacy, cultural diversity and empowerment, and is also a skilled educator, writer and consultant. She guides her audience through a journey of self-discovery and motivates them to confidently pursue a path to engage in advocacy with Indigenous partners to address inequities in the health care system. Her engaging style and captivating approach have gained national attention.